
Zachary Aars

Full-Stack Developer - Game Developer

Enthusiast of VR, Machine Learning, and Blockchain

Novice Investor





I am a Full-Stack Developer and self-taught game developer. I have an interest in game development as a programmer, machine learning, VR, web application, and eCommerce. I am really eager to get on a team. You can drop me a line at zacharyaars@gmail.com


I have spent several years teaching myself how to program computers. I started with learning how to program video games with Ruby and then moved to C++. Picking up various other programming languages along the way, languages like C#, Python, and Javascript.

Game Developer

I have learned several frameworks and game engines like Unity, Unreal, and ASP .Net. As an entrepreneur, I started my own company called Alkain Studios, a video game development studio, later evolved to Alkain Gaming and Entertainment (AGE) Studios.

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